How the protocol works, and why our new implementation is the most sustainable.
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How the protocol works, and why our new implementation is the most sustainable.
Last updated
Over the long term, volume is the best friend of the Aurora protocol. Fees from stakes and unstakes fuel the diversified portfolio dedicated to generating yields.
Over the long term, it's expected that TVL will increase and decrease at varying rates, but there's a source of consistency here - leverage. Changes in TVL across chains contributes to more fee generation. More fee generation means more capital to diversify.
More capital means higher returns to meet the needs of the protocol.
Aurora is backed by a diversified investment wallet that continuously generates yield using a variety of earning vehicles. As the protocol gains adoption and more stakes / unstakes take place, the investment wallet yield will disproportionately increase eventually reaching a point where more yield is earned by the protocol than is paid out.
While maintaining safe investment vehicles for backing, the diversification wallet will also be used to support other platforms in the space! Community votes will be enabled eventually to vote on which protocol you'd like Aurora to support.
Ultimately, the goal of the protocol is to design a long-term, sustainable, and easy-to-use source of consistent stablecoin accrual.
The team behind Aurora took inspiration from protocols like DRIP and Avarice to create a direct dApp where users can work strictly with stablecoins without worrying about bear market price fluctuations.
To start earning yield, choose a plan and stake your BNB, BUSD or USDT. Use this to stake the market as all our contracts are settled in the base currency.